how to reset tsm tip admin password

instructions for Linux and UNIX
  1. Go to the TIP bin directory ( default install location is /opt/ibm/ac ):
    cd <Install Location>/bin
  2. Run the following wsadmin commands from the TIP bin directory where <tip admin> is the TIP admin ID and <password> is the new password to be used for the TIP admin ID:
    ./ -conntype none -profileName TIPProfile
    wsadmin>$AdminTask changeFileRegistryAccountPassword {-userId <tip admin>-password <password>}
    wsadmin>$AdminConfig save
  3. Reboot the system.
  4. Start the TIP server if it is not a service:
    cd <Install Location>/bin
    ./ server1
  5. Log in to TIP using the new password.

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extract attachments from .eml file in ubuntu

mu command - a set of tools to deal with Maildirs and message files, in particular to index and search e-mail messages.

mu command provided by: maildir-utils

installation on ubuntu
sudo apt-get install maildir-utils
# extract attachments
mu extract -a email.eml

Java Nmon Analyser for AIX topas_nmon data

nmon is perfect tool for system monitoring and capacity planning. You can be found nmon installation and its benefits here.

How to show nmon datas as graphics?
I know two tools for this purpose;
nmon analyser uses excell macros thus, we can't use it simply on linux. Java Nmon Analyser written in java therefore you can run it in linux.

Run this for capacity planning (15 min for 1 day) :
nmon -x

If you run this command, it creates a file called like mehmet-ThinkPad-W530_130809_1644.nmon. This file contains a lot of numeric data.

We need to presentation numeric data as graphics for understanding it. We can use Java Nmon Analyser.

My Problem:
I have a nmon data but created with following command in AIX.
topas_nmon -fdALMNVY^ -m /perf/ -youtput_dir=/perf/servername -ystart_time=00:00:00,Oct16,2012

When i try to load it in Java Nmon Analyser, the program abnormally quits with any error messages.
I downloaded the source code of Java Nmon Analyser, and ran it in eclipse for obtain why its fail in topas_nmon data.
I got an error :
Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 at at

I found reason. Problem is the empty line in the .nmon file.

For solution you can delete this line or download this Nmon Java Analyser modified by me.

What did i do for solution ?
error occured in this line :
}else if(cols[1].matches("T\\d+")){ // ===> Data area(exclude TOP tag).

I say that "if line is empty continue" in file.

while((!Thread.interrupted())&&(line =reader.readLine())!=null){ if(line.isEmpty()) continue;

list of added features to generic java nmon analyser
- added jscroll
- selecting multiple .nmon files one time
- changed filedialog to jfilechooser
- remember last path in file chooser
- can be handle nmon files that created from topas_nmon command (in AIX)
How to run?
java -jar java_nmon_analyser_2.jar 

now it ran :

Compile and run mpi program from gedit with shortcut key

Hi guys,
In this post you will see that, how to compile and run your mpi program in gedit with one shortcut key.

If you not installed MPI, look at here for installation on ubuntu. You will see compile and run your mpi program in Geany.

If you are using Gedit and you want to control number of process simple, use the gedit external script below written by me.

After you wrote your code, press ALT+R for compiling and running its.
You will see that : your program will be compiling (mpicc) and running (mpirun) with you specified number of processes in .c program file. You can see it below.

// mpirun with np=4

Watch the video.

installation on ubuntu :
# install openmpi
sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin openmpi-doc

# install gedit plugins.
sudo apt-get install gedit-plugins 
    # enable external tools.

# compile mpi program
mpicc test.c -o testprog

# run compiled mpi program
mpirun -np 5 testprog 

External tools script:
cat - > /tmp/a.c
np=`eval grep "mpirun\ with\ np=" /tmp/a.c | awk -F "=" {'print $2'}`
mpicc /tmp/a.c -o /tmp/a.out
mpirun -np $np /tmp/a.out

Don't forget
add this line to your mpi program for number of processor.
// mpirun with np=4

Have a good time.

Tape library and drives related commands for AIX

get lists ww_name's of rmt (tape drives) and smc (tape medium changer) devices quickly
# written by Mehmet DEMİR,
# you can copy and paste it to the terminal for quick run.

for i in `lsdev -Cc tape -F 'name'`; do
 echo -n -e $i"\t"; lsattr -El $i|awk '/ww_name/ { print $1" "$2 }';

# output
rmt0    ww_name 0x500507630f9e4112
rmt1    ww_name 0x500507630f9e4114
rmt2    ww_name 0x500507630f9e4124
rmt3    ww_name 0x500507630f9e4115

Run a command to terminal from gedit with shortcut key

Hi guys.
If you working with gedit and terminal this tool is very usefull for run  a command to in the terminal from gedit (previous window).

I wrote a script with gedit external plugin for this purpose.

How to use:
  • Select a text and press "Alt+B" key
  • Locate a cursor to line and press "Alt+L" key
Watch video to see it.

Installation on Ubuntu :

install gedit plugins.
# sudo apt-get install gedit-plugins 
install xdotool.
# sudo apt-get install xdotool

Open gedit ->  Edit -> Preferences -> Enable External Tools plugin.
Open gedit -> Manage External Tools -> click +
paste the script in the below to Edit: box.
cat - > /tmp/runprev_meh.txt
line=$(cat /tmp/runprev_meh.txt)
xdotool key alt+Tab
xdotool sleep 0.2
xdotool type "$line"
xdotool key Return
xdotool key alt+Tab

Select Shortcut Key: <ALT+L>

Click againt +, for another shortcut (run "Current selection"). <ALT+B> 
All is same except "Input: Current selection" and shortcut key.

Usefull network scripts for linux

Hi all,
You can find a few usefull scripts about networking.

Which server is down (not network reachable) ?
while read serverip; do result="";
 result=`ping $serverip -c 1 -W 1|grep "100% packet loss"`; 
 test -n "$result" && echo $serverip;  
done < iplist.txt
# iplist.txt: contains server ip addresses.

Save Searched Words Automaticly Babylon Word Search Extension

You know there is Babylon Word Search extension for firefox. This extension is free but Babylon Dictionary is not.

When we want to learn a foreign language we require save the foreign words meaning or description in our language. We make this more often copy and paste to a document. If you want save the words to a file automaticly look at .