Fast DNS Changer for Android

Change your device dns address with Fast DNS Changer in 1 or 2 seconds. You are free to choose anyone of 15 different dns addreses. Just choose from the list and in 1 or 2 seconds your dns will be changed.

15 Different DNS Options:
- Level31
- Google2
- Comodo Secure DNS
- OpenDNS Home3
- DNS Advantage
- Norton ConnectSafe4
- GreenTemaDNS5
- SafeDNS6
- OpenNIC7
- Public-Root8
- SmartViper
- Dyn
- censurfridns.dk9
- Hurricane Electric10
- puntCAT11

For online freedom start to use Fast DNS Changer.

Your thoughts and reviews are very important to us. Please let us know what you think about Fast DNS Changer and do not forget vote our application.

tags: dns,dns changer, fast,fast dns changer,cool dns, cool proxy, cool,

add or change extension of files

add .udf to all files in working directory

for i in `ls`; do mv $i $i".udf"; done

change extensions of files to "zip".
#new extension: zip
yeniUzanti="zip"; for i in `ls`; do noktalar=`echo $i|awk -F. '{ print NF - 1 }'`; dosyaAdi=`echo $i|cut -d'.' -f1-$noktalar`; mv $i $dosyaAdi"."$yeniUzanti; done

write matrix chars to another user console for manipulation

watch the video for action :-).

#!/bin/bash -       
#description     :This script will write matrix characters to another user console :-) .
#author          :Mehmet DEMİR
#date            :20140302
#version         :0.1    
#usage           :bash
#notes           :Will be fun!

#remove comment if target user at remote
#ssh root@ 

################## THE MATRIX ##################\n
# Your computer got involved in matrix network.#\n
# Don't touch this machine! ####################\n
message_duration=10 # as second
target_tty="/dev/"`who|grep $target_user|tail -1|awk {'print $2'}`

echo -e $the_message > $target_tty
sleep $message_duration

# from
MATRIX_CODE_CHARS=(ɀ Ɂ ɂ ŧ Ϣ ϣ Ϥ ϥ Ϧ ϧ Ϩ ϫ Ϭ ϭ Ϯ ϯ ϰ ϱ Ϣ ϣ Ϥ ϥ Ϧ ϧ Ϩ ϩ Ϫ ϫ Ϭ ϭ Ϯ ϯ ϰ ߃  ߄ ༣ ༤ ༥ ༦ ༧ ༩ ༪ ༫ ༬ ༭ ༮ ༯ ༰ ༱ ༲ ༳ ༶)



while (true);  do  

    noshow=$((RANDOM % $count))

    for (( i=0; i<=$maxcol; i++ ))
            if [ "${noshowchar[$i]}" == "$i" ]; then
                printf '\t%s' ' ' > $target_tty
                index=$((RANDOM % $count))
                printf '\t%s' ${MATRIX_CODE_CHARS[$index]} > $target_tty          
     printf '\n' > $target_tty
     sleep 0.05

     noshowchar[$((RANDOM % $count))]=100;
     noshowchar[$((RANDOM % $count))]=100;
     noshowchar[$((RANDOM % $count))]=100;
     noshowchar[$((RANDOM % $count))]=100;
     noshowchar[$((RANDOM % $count))]=100;


exit 0

fast way cancel session for tsm client

select 'can ses', session_id from sessions where client_name='NODE_NAME_OF_CLIENT'

estimate aix mksysb size

df -tk `lsvgfs rootvg` | awk '{total+=$3} END {printf "Estimated mksysb size: %d bytes, %.2f GB\n", total*1024, total/1024/1024}'

how to reset tsm tip admin password

instructions for Linux and UNIX
  1. Go to the TIP bin directory ( default install location is /opt/ibm/ac ):
    cd <Install Location>/bin
  2. Run the following wsadmin commands from the TIP bin directory where <tip admin> is the TIP admin ID and <password> is the new password to be used for the TIP admin ID:
    ./ -conntype none -profileName TIPProfile
    wsadmin>$AdminTask changeFileRegistryAccountPassword {-userId <tip admin>-password <password>}
    wsadmin>$AdminConfig save
  3. Reboot the system.
  4. Start the TIP server if it is not a service:
    cd <Install Location>/bin
    ./ server1
  5. Log in to TIP using the new password.

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