Java Nmon Analyser for AIX topas_nmon data

nmon is perfect tool for system monitoring and capacity planning. You can be found nmon installation and its benefits here.

How to show nmon datas as graphics?
I know two tools for this purpose;
nmon analyser uses excell macros thus, we can't use it simply on linux. Java Nmon Analyser written in java therefore you can run it in linux.

Run this for capacity planning (15 min for 1 day) :
nmon -x

If you run this command, it creates a file called like mehmet-ThinkPad-W530_130809_1644.nmon. This file contains a lot of numeric data.

We need to presentation numeric data as graphics for understanding it. We can use Java Nmon Analyser.

My Problem:
I have a nmon data but created with following command in AIX.
topas_nmon -fdALMNVY^ -m /perf/ -youtput_dir=/perf/servername -ystart_time=00:00:00,Oct16,2012

When i try to load it in Java Nmon Analyser, the program abnormally quits with any error messages.
I downloaded the source code of Java Nmon Analyser, and ran it in eclipse for obtain why its fail in topas_nmon data.
I got an error :
Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 at at

I found reason. Problem is the empty line in the .nmon file.

For solution you can delete this line or download this Nmon Java Analyser modified by me.

What did i do for solution ?
error occured in this line :
}else if(cols[1].matches("T\\d+")){ // ===> Data area(exclude TOP tag).

I say that "if line is empty continue" in file.

while((!Thread.interrupted())&&(line =reader.readLine())!=null){ if(line.isEmpty()) continue;

list of added features to generic java nmon analyser
- added jscroll
- selecting multiple .nmon files one time
- changed filedialog to jfilechooser
- remember last path in file chooser
- can be handle nmon files that created from topas_nmon command (in AIX)
How to run?
java -jar java_nmon_analyser_2.jar 

now it ran :


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